Objavljeno: 28.8.2015 11:00

V enem mesecu 75 milijonov kopij Windows 10

Windows 10 je v enem mesecu od predstavitve na svoje računalnike namestilo že 75 milijonov uporabnikov. To je veliko večja številka kot jo je dosegel Windows 8, katerega so v prvem mesecu prodali 40 milijonov primerkov. Pri čemer je »prodali« takrat v veliki večini pomenilo »namestili na nove računalnike, ki so romali v trgovine«, dejanska številka sistemov v uporabi pa je bila seveda veliko nižja. Po drugi strani pa – velika večina teh 75 milijonov namestitev Microsoftu ni (še?) prinesla prav nobenega prihodka, saj je nadgradnja zastonj.

Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoftov odgovorni za marketing, je na svojem Twitter profilu zapisal še nekaj zanimivosti na to temo. Windows 10 so bili nameščeni na 90.000 različnih računalnikov in tablic, ljudje so nadgradili tudi naprave iz leta 2007, uporabniki prihajajo iz 192 držav, trgovina z aplikacijami za Windows 10 je menda končno oživela, digitalna pomočnica Cortana pa je uporabnikom (kjer je na voljo) menda povedala že pol milijona vicev. 

Naroči se na redna tedenska ali mesečna obvestila o novih prispevkih na naši spletni strani!


orel | 28.8.2015 | 14:03

Spoštovani uredniki, bojim se, da v svojem (upravičenem) navdušenju nad desetko nekam nalahko jemljete njeno "temno stran". Ali kot pravi spodnji citat: kdo nam jamči, da tudi ob vseh izklopljenih zasebnostnih opcijah ne bomo žrtev pritajenega orwellovskega spywara? Cons: - Windows 10 is loaded with spyware. Perform a web search for: Windows 10 spying. By default, Windows 10 reports nearly everything about your computer use to Microsoft, including all of your web-browsing activities and the contents of all of your documents and e-mails. Microsoft may sell this personal information to advertisers and others. From the 12,000 word (12,000 words!) Service Agreement: "We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to protect our customers or enforce the terms governing the use of the services." - Windows 10 assigns a unique "Advertising ID" for each user. By default, ad networks and app developers profile you using that ID and send you advertisements based on how you have been using your computer (one of the purposes of Windows 10 spying). - Since Windows 10 is constantly communicating with Microsoft, it can easily blow through monthly data plan (GB per month) limits. - Windows 10 hijacks your computer bandwidth to use your computer to update/upgrade other computers (essentially, it turns your computer into a Microsoft server). Such bandwidth theft can also blow through a monthly data plan limit (as your pirated computer is used to transfer Microsoft files to other computers). - Windows 10 upgrades are FORCED (you cannot stop them), including updates to device drivers. If the update fails, you are completely out of luck. Your computer can go into an infinite reboot cycle: boots, tries to update Windows 10, update fails, computer reboots, etc., etc. Also, since updates to drivers are forced, if your video card driver update fails, your graphics card can become completely inoperable (requiring you to switch to the motherboard's graphics output). - The Cortana app has access to your camera and microphone (i.e., camera and microphone can be monitored). Cortana also has access to your Contacts, calendar, and probably all of your documents. If you turn off Cortana, also disable the Getting to Know You feature that was designed to track how you write and talk. Suggest you perform web searches for: Windows 10 privacy settings or tweaks to Windows 10 settings for privacy. By default, Windows 10 is setup for maximum spying. You can turn-off much of the spying and the bandwidth stealing by going through 13 screens (more or less) of settings options. Also look through the not-so-obvious "Advanced" sections. However, no one seems to be entirely certain how much spying continues even after this effort. For example, every time you use the Search function, a report is made to Microsoft. Shortly after you load Windows 10, you should carefully and completely go through all of the Privacy settings options and disable Cortana (if you are not going to use that app). Lastly, you need to periodically recheck your Privacy settings, since Windows 10 updates may restore spying that you previously chose to turn off. Advanced users may wish to look into how to disable: (1) telemetry (with a Registry tweak); and (2) the diagnostic tracking service (under Services). Again, I love the new Windows 10 operating system (the operating system itself); too bad it has been ruined by spying and bandwidth piracy.

Matjaž Klančar | 31.8.2015 | 09:02

O tovrstnih težavah smo seveda tudi pisali, nazadnje v tokratni temi številke: http://www.monitor.si/clanek/radovednost-ni-vedno-lepa-cednost/168886/

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